i don't know if this group is still going - only just found it.
i'm currently teaching reception (i think in the US that's kindergarten
- we're talking five-year-olds here). i use "happy steps" where i have
a chart on the wall and each child's name is there. just before recess,
lunch and home time i give out stamps. when they have fifteen they get
to choose a "treasure" from a box, lucky dip style.
i really try to encourage the students to consider their own behaviour
and to tell me if they think they deserve a happy step or not. when
kids who shouldn't get one recognise that and tell me so and why, i
really congratulate them, shake their hand and rewaard them with a
small sticker or something. (but not a happy step :-)
as i said, i'm really trying to re-enforce the idea that the kids be
aware of their own behaviours and the consequences.
i also try really hard to seperate the behaviour from the person. as
such, for example, kids in my class are never "naughty" or "bad", they
just make "bad choices". i'm not sure they've got the idea yet, but i
can see it is starting to develop. they now talk about bad choices as
opposed to being bad.
hope that helps.
Post by b***@comcast.netUnfortunately, I cannot offer you any advice at this time. I can
however offer you understanding because I too taught second grade last
year and used the color system effectively. Now I am trying to use the
same system in kindergarten with less of a positive outcome. I am
trying new things each week to help curb bad behavior but if you hear
any good advice please pass it on.
Post by ECI am a second year teacher looking for possible ideas for a classroom
management program. Last year I had a (red, yellow, green) turing of
the cards system which worked nicely for my second graders. However,
this year my first graders are not really responding to this. Can
anyone offer any creative suggestions or ideas?